In a context where the agricultural sector is facing increasingly tight margins and growing challenges related to inflation, the search for new sources of income has become crucial. The Compagnie des Insectes (LCI) offers an unprecedented collaboration based on three pillars: the cooperative world, agro-industry and the insect industry. It offers an innovative and sustainable solution: the valorization of vegetal by-products by the Black Soldier Fly (or BSF). This partnership model allows farmers, agricultural cooperatives and agro-industrial businesses to diversify their incomes and maximize their profits, while contributing to a circular and sustainable economy.
The first step of the LCI model consists in collecting vegetal by-products, intermediate crops or plant biomass. These raw materials are supplied by our farmes and agro-industrial partners. By recovering and exploiting these often under-exploited resources, we are laying the foundations for a sustainable value chain. This collection makes it possible to transform undervalued products into valuable inputs for the breeding of BSF larvae, thus maximizing the valorization of available resources and opening up new income opportunities for our partners.
The Compagnie des Insectes proposes to co-build a solid partnership by creating a joint venture with our partners, whether they are agricultural cooperatives or agro-industrial companies. Together, we will establish a bioconversion unit where BSF larvae will effectively transform low-valued vegetal by-products into high-quality larvae, rich in proteins and lipids. This joint venture model promotes collaborative innovation and ensures a fair distribution of financial benefits, while strengthening the sustainability and efficiency of the value chain.
Once the larvae are raised, LCI buys these larvae back at a competitive price, thus guaranteeing a constant flow of income for our partners and offering them a profitable alternative to their traditional practices.
Frass, a by-product of raising larvae (excrements), can be used as an amendment or fertilizer for soils, thus substituting the purchase of synthetic fertilizers. This not only reduces costs for partners, but also benefits from high-quality organic fertilizer. Alternatively, LCI can also market frass if it better fits the needs of our partners.
LCI then processes the larvae into flour and oil, products with high added value used in various industries. BSF flour, with a protein level of 40 to 50%, and oil, which is rich in fatty acids, find lucrative applications in animal feed and other sectors. Our partners thus benefit from the security of the supply chain without having to invest in expensive processing equipment.
1. Optimal valuation : Our partners increase the economic value of their by-products by transforming them into BSF larvae, which makes it possible to diversify their income and optimize the use of their resources.
2. Réduction des Coûts : The use of frass as an amendment or fertilizer reduces the expenses associated with the purchase of synthetic fertilizers, while the sale of larvae guarantees a stable income.
3. Économie Circulaire : This model fully valorizes organic materials, thus minimizing losses and maximizing profits.
4. Partenariat Flexible : Each collaboration is adapted to the specific needs of our partners, thus guaranteeing a tailor-made and effective solution.
The black soldier fly turns out to be much more than just an insect. Thanks to its multiple applications, it offers a unique opportunity to optimize the valorization of by-products for farmers and agro-industrialists. By taking this innovative approach with LCI, you can not only improve your profitability but also contribute to a greener and more sustainable future. Our partnership model is designed to maximize the benefits of each actor involved, by guaranteeing optimal valorization of resources and by stabilizing revenues.
Vous cherchez à tirer le meilleur parti de vos co-produits mais ne savez pas comment vous y prendre ? Vous êtes à la recherche d'un partenaire de confiance ? Nous vous proposons deux options attrayantes : vous aider à valoriser ces ressources ou devenir l'un de nos fournisseurs privilégiés.
Click here and contact us to find out how Compagnie des Insectes can turn your challenges into opportunities.