The pet food industry is booming, with increasing awareness of the environmental impacts associated with traditional food production. Insects, a natural component of 5% of domestic animal diets, are emerging as a promising alternative protein source. Not only do they offer a nutritional cocktail of proteins highly digestible, high quality fatty acids, Chitin and minerals, but they also contribute to reducing the carbon footprint of the industry, which is responsible for more than 40% of greenhouse gas emissions related to pet food production. With a growing demand for more sustainable products, pet owners are more and more inclined to choose environmentally friendly food options for their four-legged friends.
In aquaculture, where up to 70% of fish's natural diet consists of insects, the standard industry requires 4 tons of fishmeal to produce one ton of farmed salmon. However, insect protein meal, with its amino acid profile similar to that of fishmeal, present a viable and advantageous alternative. Soy production, which is widely used in aquaculture, poses environmental problems, notably due to deforestation. Insect proteins offer a more natural and economical solution, reducing dependence on ingredients whose production is harmful to the environment.
For poultry, insects constitute the most natural and healthy diet. Pecking at insects not only improves the well-being of chickens by stimulating their natural behavior, but it also provides them with high quality proteins, beneficial fats for their immune system, chitin, as well as micronutrients essential substances like selenium, which is crucial for egg production and fertility. Integrating insects into poultry diets reduces stress and promotes better socialization.
In pigs, especially during the post-weaning stage of piglets and in finishing diets, insects are a valuable source of nutrients. Adding insect fat, rich in lauric acid, to piglet diets can strengthen their immune systems, thus facilitating the post-weaning transition, a critical period for their development. The use of insect fat has also demonstrated a reduction in antibiotic usage, highlighting its potential as a functional additive in pig feed.
Insects play an essential role in our ecosystem and biodiversity, contributing to soil regeneration and health. Black soldier fly frass is a natural and sustainable fertilizer that enriches the soil with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium (NPK) and in micronutrients, promoting plant growth and enhancing the beneficial microbial population for a more robust plant immune system.